STEPS Roundtable of Experts, Session 2: Enhancing Circularityiness


29 October 2021

This roundtable’s main aim was to obtain a deeper understanding of the current trends and challenges in battery repurposing and recycling, complementing the internal knowledge with experts’ insights. Together with our 40 attendees, we explored questions including:


What are the opportunities for pooled domestic systems?

Where are the areas of greatest demand (e.g. grid quality vs quantity) for eStorage?

What are the main barriers in NWE hampering innovation market entry compared to other regions/ what are the opportunities specifically for NWE (compared to US/Asia?...)


Are there technologies at or near market ready held up by lack of access to the Grid?

Policies and supports in the participating countries for household Solar PV, battery systems.


What are the most promising technical inventions on medium scale energy storage depending on the surrounding conditions (landscape etc.)?

Our experts included:

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