VR4REHAB Conference: a virtual event

All you need to know before joining VR4REHAB-from ideas to Reality 24 June 2021

The circumstances of the pandemic prompted us to organise a virtual conference. What to expect?

Technology has once again become the answer, for this reason, we have relied on a virtual platform service. The virtual platforms provide a way to connect in places that break the constraints of physical environments, becoming extraordinarily powerful tools


Conference Program

At VR4REHAB – from ideas to reality you will see more than +25 speakers and an exceptional talk that will bring our patients directly onto our virtual stage. The VR4REHB program is divided into 4 macro parts:

Plenary Session 1: Pain management: Real problems, virtual solutions

Plenary Session 2: Towards a critique of virtual reason – with Kant we can…

Plenary session 3: From virtual to real-world solutions for motor function

Plenary Session 4: Stargazing

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