Texel Island pilot of the LOGIC project launched on 29 September 2017



Texel Island pilot of the LOGIC project launched on 29 September 2017

The official start of the LOGIC pilot on Texel took place on 29 September. The purpose of the Texel LOGiC pilot project is to match supply and demand in balance for a decentralised renewable energy hybrid system (DHES) as well as to distribute the generated energy on the existing network.

About Texel Island pilot project
The LOGIC pilot on Texel led by the Dutch regional water authority Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier (HHNK) focuses on building two PV parks on the waste water treatment plant Evertsekoog, from which HHNK will generate its own energy consumption (1.6 MW).

Three low-carbon technologies are combined: energy storage by storage in water level (kW eq. to be determined in the project), small scale battery storage for peak shaving (budgeted at max 100kW) and PV energy.

About LOGiC

Low Carbon Off-grid Communities (LOGiC) is a joint North-West European collaboration project aimed at piloting North-West Europe towards a low-carbon energy future. Nine project partners have teamed up to develop a standardised model for renewables-based decentral hybrid energy systems (DHES).

LOGiC focuses on ‘energy remoteness’. An area is considered ‘energy remote’ if it is not connected to the main energy infrastructure. LOGiC addresses this problem with decentral hybrid energy systems combining different types of renewables, such as tidal, wind and solar PV with each other as well as with battery storage. As wind, solar, tidal are intermittent by nature and cannot guarantee security of supply in a single source approach, a hybrid model is used.

The pilot on Texel is one of the three pilots of the project, funded 60 % by Interreg North-West Europe.


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