Back from the IMAGINE Roadshow organized by LTA

Back from the IMAGINE Roadshow organized by LTA

On July 19th and 20th, the IMAGINE Roadshow was held at the Lycée Technique Agricole in Gilsdorf.

During these two days, our partners at the LTA presented in detail the workings of their Social Enterprise model pilot, and the local partnerships established with organizations such as the Forum pour l'Emploi (Forum for Employment), the Agence pour le développement de l'emploi (Agency for Employment Development), and the Centre d'orientation socio-professionnelle (Center for Socio-Professional Orientation), as well as the role each organization plays in the social inclusion process.


The LTA also presented their work with local seeds through the SEED association, which they have been involved with since 2010. The roadshow provided a demonstration of seed sorting work in order to collect seeds.


A tour of the LTA's new facilities was also given, as well as a meeting with the young people who have completed IMAGINE training and their trainers on the Bastendorf cultivation land.


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