Solar Week 17 - 20 May - Farm visits

AC3A Association des Chambres d’Agriculture de l’Arc Atlantique and the Regional Chambre of Agriculture Pays de la Loire invites you to attend Innov' Action, a week of open days with visits to 7 farms that use solar thermal or solar PV to produce hot water or electricity. There is no charge (IT'S FREE) to attend any of the farms. 

2 of the farms use solar thermal energy to heat water that is used to heat buildings or to heat water to prepare feed for animals. The hot water is also to clean farm buildings. 

if you want to know more about installing renewable energies on your farm, the owners/farmers will be available to answer any questions that you have. 

For more information or to book your place, use the contact details below.

Chambre d’agriculture Pays de la Loire
Service énergie et économie circulaire
02 53 46 60 12


The ‘Solar Week’ and the visits are organised by the Regional Chambre of Agriculture Pays de la Loire within its programme “Innov’Action”. Innov'Action is an annual event by the Chambers of Agriculture. During a series of Open Days, farmers present their innovative practices to other farmers directly on their farms. More info:

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