The building of WikiHouse De Stripmaker (NL) has begun

The future residents of the Dutch WikiHouse De Stripmaker (''The Stripmaker'') building site gathered at the building location in Almere to celebrate the start of the building process for their small, affordable low carbon homes.

Future residents of the Dutch H4.0E pilot project will will build their own WikiHouse homes with the help of family, friends and volunteers. To celebrate the start of the building process, residents gathered with family, friends, volunteers, two team members of Het Woningbouwatelier and a representative of the neighbouring Oostvaarders Kliniek on the 20th of July 2020 in Almere, Netherlands. As the first building materials where driven into the ground, the participants of the opening ceremony made a toast to a smooth building process.

The launch event was hosted by the Dutch Housing 4.0 Energy partners to give the necessary attention to this exciting project and to support the future residents as they embark on the journey of building their own small, affordable low carbon homes.

The Housing 4.0 Energy (H4.0E) billboard that has been placed at the Dutch pilot building site in Almere, Netherlands. The billboard marks the location of the 13 pilot homes to be built within the H4.0E project.

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