High capacity pumps

DCC-IenW (crisis management department Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management) has mobile emergency pumps that can be used in the event of (imminent) emergency situations as a result of flooding or in a situation of (imminent) water shortages. These emergency pumps are designed in such a way that the maximum capacity is achieved in relation to compactness, rapid deployability and handling. The emergency pumps run on diesel and use about 35 liter per hour, which is relatively little concerning the capacity. Currently, Rijkswaterstaat is working on different solutions to let them run carbon neutral in the near future. The DCC-IenW uses a permanent team for the management and deployment of these pumps.

The High-Capacity Pumps are certified by the European Union. This means that they are in the European database (CECIS) and can be offered for emergency assistance requests. The High-Capacity Pumps have been used several times both nationally and internationally.

A request for deployment of the emergency pumps can be submitted 24/7 to the picket officer of the DCC-IenW. See for more information: https://www.dcc-ienw.nl/themas/noodpompen-high-capacity-pumps

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