Green WIN on the road again!

Over the Summer partners ‘hit the road’ again in June; presenting Green WIN, at the International Association for Hydro-environmental Research and Engineering (IAHR) World Congress in Granada, Spain and a UNECE workshop (though this was online from the Canal & River Trust office in Milton Keynes…)

Joris Hardy from the University of Liège presented a scientific communication “Improving energy-efficiency of pumping operations in waterways: a combined laboratory and computational approach” He explained how trials of two Waterways Ireland pumps in the Liège ‘Test tank’ went and what the results / early lessons were. This event was aimed at water professionals, from across the world, so we are certainly targeting relevant audiences through this route. 

Chris Barnett from Canal & River Trust gave a presentation about Green WIN at a workshop organised by the Sustainable Transport Division of UNECE and the workshop was titled “Towards a Modern, Sustainable and Resilient E Waterway Network”. The purpose of the workshop was “to consider possibilities for improving coordination in the development of E waterway network and its elements to ensure its greening, sustainability, resilience to climate change, external shocks and other challenges”. Over 40 participants were involved and were from Czechia, Serbia, Croatia, Romania, Italy and the Netherlands.


These presentations and our representation at the World Canals Conference in Leipzig, in late May / early June, were three international events where we were able to raise awareness at different levels; technical (the IAHR congress) strategic (UNECE) and to a more general, professional / user group lobby (World Canals Conference). In all cases the aim was to show how important the issue is and how useful our testing and trials will be in helping deliver ‘greener pumping’ solutions in the future.

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