

, Brussel

The Policy Conference of EUSEW 2020 will take place from 23 to 25 June 2020. Registration for the conference will be launched in April 2020. WHAT IS THE EU SUSTAINABLE ENERGY WEEK (EUSEW)? The EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) is a two month-long series of activities across Europe promoting secure, clean and efficient energy. It brings together policymakers, stakeholders and citizens to achieve climate and energy goals for the Energy Union. Launched in 2006, EUSEW is organised by the European Commission (Directorate-General for Energy and the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises). The Policy Conference is the biggest European conference dedicated to renewables and efficient energy use in Europe. Sessions organised by the European Commission and energy stakeholders focus on sustainable energy issues, debate new policy developments, best practices and sustainable energy ideas. Next to the conference, the Networking Village brings the EUSEW Community together to forge alliances whilst the EUSEW Awards celebrate outstanding projects and ideas.
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WEBINAR | Energy communities supporting the energy transition Interreg NWE project “community based Virtual Power Plant”

, Sustainable Energy Week | WEBINAR | Friday 19th June 2020 | 10:00 - 11:30

The European energy system is changing rapidly. Decentralization, democratization and RES penetration are offering new social and technical challenges. Also roles are changing in the local energy system, transforming business models and asking for involvement from all participants: citizens, private companies and municipalities. The Clean Energy Package of EU provides the opportunity to citizen initiatives to take new roles in the energy system, including those related to aggregation, storage, local supply or sharing. This new framework also provides a collaboration tool between all the actors in the integrated energy system. The question however is How can prosumers and communities prepare to take on the new roles and become active players in the market? Which roles are possible? How can communities organize themselves? What technology can support them?
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CANCELLED | Competition - price announcement cVPP | Apeldoorn NL

, Werkgebouw Zuid (Aruba 4, 7332 BK Apeldoorn)

Onderwerp: Invitation to the competition - price announcement 17th of March Dear partners, As you all know Gemeente Apeldoorn has organised a competition for the cVPP project. We have challenged residents of Apeldoorn to design a Virtual Power Plant (or first steps towards it), and we provided several workshops and guidance in order to facilitate the participants. The content of the workshops would not have been possible without all the knowledge and help from the cVPP team! So first of all, a big thanks to all of you!
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La Pile | expo

, Kamp C | Britselaan 20 - 2260 Westerlo | België

At The 21st century, as we enter the second century of the electric grid, prototyping and pioneerig are more relevant than ever: we need more electricty - to squeeze oranges, brush our teeth and other vital activities - , at the same time we realise that every Killowatthour is a weight on the environment. The electricty sector is in flux, so now is the time to shape better. And to give citizens a say. la Pile identified 14 electricity pioneers of today. An exhibition in Kamp C shows their achievements, ambitions and bottle necks. One of the pioneers is Energent, one of the cVPP-partners with Buurzame Stroom.
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