CAN SME Kick-Off Meeting


18 May 2021

The initial CAN project identified further gaps for reducing GHG emissions and opportunities to efficiently improve the outreach to especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in buildings with mixed uses.

The CAN SME partnership is composed by:
• Climate Alliance, Germany
• Brest métroplole, France
• Stadt Worms, Germany
• Ville de Liège, Belgium
• 3 counties energy agency (3cea), Ireland)

The initial CAN partners Gemeente Arnhem, Netherlands and Energieangentur Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany remain Associated Partners for this new phase.

To deliver GHG emission reductions in SMEs and their locations by applying adjusted CAN face-to-face and multiplicator neighbourhood approaches, enlarged with digital instruments. The CAN SME partnership will jointly adjust the CAN cooperation methods to supplement existing SME and urban low carbon strategies, integrating especially small enterprises (manufacturing, shopkeepers, etc.) in mixed-used urban quarters. The uptake of the CAN instruments will focus on the most appropriate methods for cooperating with “multiplicators”, i.e. well-connected organisations and frontrunners, and “face-to-face” effective methods of direct interaction and advice between LA and SMEs. The partners will implement the consultation in the neighbourhoods, realise pilot investments and further develop the concepts and the best practices based on the joint experiences and evaluations.

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