
What is the highlight of your product?

Stimul'in helps people with a dementia to keep the link with their loved ones, to stimulate their cognitive and social abilities and finally to feel good.

We provide a digital tool that permits to family members and professional care givers to transform personal multimedia contents (photos, videos, music) to 100% customized activities like puzzle, memory cards, quizz,...

Stimul'in provides activities that make sense for people with dementia. It also provide an easy to use tool to family members who want to contribute to the health and well being of their loved one. Stimul'in permit finally to professional car givers to benefits from a tool designed with doctors and neuroscientists to enrich their "catalogue" of smart activities.


Why did you participate in the voucher call?

We participate to the voucher call to get quality and objectives feedbacks from the users we target. It was also a great opportunity to join an international community of experts dedicated to the health issue Stimul'in deal with. This voucher call also permits us to confirm our strong engagement and ambition for people with a dementia.  


What is your most important lesson learnt?

Stimul'in is appropriated for people with a beginning of a dementia. It means people who face to light to moderate cognitive disorders.

Thanks to Certification-D, we also could confirm that to be correctly and regularly used, Stimul'in must be introduced by a professional. Professional have a major role to reassure family care givers regarding a digital tool. They can also give them advices regarding the best way to use Stimul'in including the type of content to upload.  


Quotes by testers (people with dementia):


„He was already using this kind of game but it’s more personalized with the application.“

„We can talk when usually there is little communication.“

„He likes puzzles and he can chose his activity. He likes photos, must be regulary in the using.“

„It’s a good occupation, it allows us to do things together. It’s fun. I also enjoy using the tablet and learning how to use it.“




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