How the idea behind HydroNet inspires VMM

The BE-GOOD challenge of Hoogheemraadschap (the regional water board in the southwest Netherlands) focusses on gaining more insight into the water quality and quantity, as well as the potential impact of its sewer systems on the surface water. For this, Hoogheemraadschap  Delfland contracted the SME HydroLogic to develop the SWWIM (Smart Wastewater Information Management) platform using HydroNet. The platform is currently in the development phase and includes two municipalities within the Delfland region.

HydroNet is a web-based decision support system which transfers weather and water data into sophisticated applications and dashboards. This system is already used by multiple water boards in the Netherland, such as Waterschap Brabantse Delta and Waterschap De Dommel. Representatives of those waterboards and HydroLogic met with Flanders Environment Agency (VMM) and Hoogheemraadschap Delfland to exchange their ideas and experiences using  HydroNet in making well-informed and transparent decisions for the analysis and sustainable management of water resources.

These experiences help VMM to develop their own decision making tool, possibly based on HydroNet, for water management in the future. Once again, transnational knowledge transfer inspires multiple BE-GOOD partners.


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