Wrap-up SMART-SPACE webinar 3

On Thursday 3 Junel 2021, the SMART-SPACE consortium organised its third and last webinar about creating a smart light system: lessons learned from the SMART-SPACE project. With more than 100 registrations we can call this a successful edition. Thank you to all the participants and speakers of this and the previous webinars!

You can (re)watch the recording soon via the youtube channel of the SMART-SPACE project.



10:00  Webinar dynamic intro     

9 must-haves for smart public lighting
Swagata Chakraborthy, researcher TU/e Intelligent Lighting Institute &
Rianne Valkenburg, TU/e LightHouse


Building a smart public lighting system
Annemijn Smid, project manager, SPIE


Testimonial of the city of Sint-Niklaas
Sara Van den Bossche, policy advisor &
Davy Baetens, advisor public domain, City of Sint-Niklaas


Stronger collaboration in urban lighting: the next steps
Nikita Junagade, Knowledge and Communications Manager, LUCI Association

11:15 Q&A

What's next?


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