Partner Update - January

London CLT making moves in Croydon (south London)

  • Over 50 Croydon residents have congregated outside their council building to perform a nativity as a call for affordable housing in the borough. You can read more about the action here.
  • London CLT has held meetings and discussions on the timeline for Croydon’s first CLT(s).

Ville de Lille raising awareness of affordable housing model

  • Caroline Lucats, Head of the Housing Department went to the Reunion Island to present its experience the OFS model. Together, they have been working in the design of a new OFS in this area.
  • The City of Lille met with Espacite, an agency based in Paris that specialises in territorial policies for housing and urban renewal. They took part in a tour of the first two operations, Cosmopole and Renan in Lille, develop by the OFSML.

The City of Lille will be attending “Affordable housing: a challenge for our metropolises and for Europe” event at the European Parliament on January 17-18 2019.

CLT Brussels making strides and collecting wins

  • CLTB obtained financial support from the 4Wing Foundation, a Belgian foundation dedicated to fighting precariousness. This support will help CLTB professionalise and scale up its activities through an increase of its staff and investment funding.
  • Their project with financial cooperative, Credal to explore the creation of a financial vehicle to invest in affordable housing was approved by the Brussels-Capital Region government. This approval will allow CLTB and Credal to hire staff to explore this further.
  • CLTB spoke on 6 December at a training of the Brussels Coalition for Right to Housing taking stock of options for affordable buying for low-income households.

You can catch CLTB speaking at “Who Owns Brussels?”, a conference organised by the Brussels Coalition for the Right to Housing on 30 January 2019. The Conference will include speakers from across Europe that will present analysis and solutions to speculation in the housing market. There will be simultaneous translation in English, French and Dutch. Participation is free of charge, but registration is compulsory. Click here to register.

National CLT Network put on the first ever England and Wales CLT awards

  • Last year was a big one for the community led housing sector in England and Wales. To celebrate the strides the movement has made the National CLT Network put on the first ever England and Wales awards ceremony for CLTs. It was a great evening with a lot of laughs and celebration of everything that has been achieved. To find out more about the evening click here. 

CLT Ghent raising money to build community

  • On December 19, CLT Ghent held a charity dinner organised by a community partner that had over 100 attendees to raise money for the future community space in their Meulestede-project. 

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