Mosmatten groene wand

The city of Ghent has taken an innovative approach to make the urban environment greener and more liveable by introducing moss mats on vertical walls. These moss mats serve a dual purpose by filtering air and water and cooling the surroundings.

The project started at an old furniture factory, which has been transformed into a creative hub for start-up companies and co-working spaces. However, the success of the moss mats has been somewhat challenging, and they have not proven suitable for urban agriculture.

Despite setbacks, the project continues to seek alternative substrates and biochar for urban environments and plant trials. They are experimenting with irrigation systems and aiming to improve results by spring 2024.

Key Points:

  1. Greening Urban Spaces: Ghent aims to enhance its urban landscape by using moss mats on vertical walls. This innovative approach not only adds greenery but also serves environmental functions like air and water filtration and cooling.
  2. Old Furniture Factory Transformation: The project was initiated at a former furniture factory in Ghent, now serving as a creative hub for startups and co-working spaces. The site was chosen for experiments with moss mats.
  3. Challenges of Moss Growth: Moss requires a consistently humid environment to thrive, which is supplied through water collected from surrounding roofs. Initial attempts with moss were not entirely successful, with inconsistent growth, particularly in warmer months.
  4. Shift in Focus: Due to challenges with moss growth, the project shifted its focus from experimenting with biochar in the substrate to improving the moss mats and their irrigation systems.
  5. Ongoing Tests: The project has been adjusted and is being monitored through all seasons, from March 2023 to March 2024. Despite challenges, the team remains dedicated to finding solutions for better urban climate and agriculture.
  6. Search for Alternatives: Pro Natura, the organization behind the project, is exploring alternative substrates and biochar for small-scale plant trials in urban environments.
  7. Future Prospects: The success of the project is contingent on resolving practical issues with irrigation. If results are satisfactory by summer 2024, they will consider resuming tests with biochar.

In summary, the innovative use of moss mats on vertical walls in Ghent presents challenges but also holds promise for a greener urban environment and potential applications in urban agriculture. The project continues to adapt and seek solutions for more effective moss growth.

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