Seminar for Approved Projects

Lille, France

11 April 2019 - 12 April 2019

On April 11th and April 12th 2019 the "Seminar for Approved Projects" took place in Lille, France.

During the administrative meeting the attendant project partners and lead partner of RED WoLF got the chance to get to know each other.


From left to right:

Dave Catherall (PP, Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council, UK)*
Paul Jacobs (PP, Tecnolec, BE)
Charlotte Bonner (PP, National Union of Students of the United Kingdom, UK)
Inge Keymeulen (Project Officer, Interreg NWE)
Simon Gutteridge (PP, Wakefield and District Housing Limited, UK)
Jose Ospina (PP, Carbery Housing Association, IE)
Eric Rondeau (PP, University of Lorraine, FR)
Stevie Donnelly (PP, Institute of Technology, IE)
Brian Cassidy (PP, Cork City Council, IE)
Martin Stroleny (PP, Électricité de France, FR)
Laura Jörg (PP, Arge Solar, DE)
Giuseppe Colantuono (LP, Leeds Beckett University, UK)
Jamie Smith (PP, First Choice Homes, UK)


* PP = Project Partner
   LP = Lead Partner


Announcement of RED WoLF Kick-Off Meeting, Leeds/ United Kingdom, 15-16 May2019

Annoucement: RED WoLF Project Kick-Off Meeting

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