E-mental health symposium at EPA congress Warsaw

On April 9th eMEN partners from Germany (LVR-IVF), Ireland (MHR) and the Netherlands (Arq and VU University) presented e-mental health developments in the context of the eMEN project.

Oyono Vlijter presented the eMEN project and explained its importance, the multidisciplinary complexities and the results achieved so far. He elaborated on the 7 product pilots which are currently being implemented in the eMEN partner countries. Prof. Heleen Riper talked about the modalities of e-mental health, clinical evidence, implementation barriers, the pace of implementation in the EU and why it is important to take into account the context (i.e. the personal and social environment of the patient) in which e-mental health is used. She also mentioned the need for stronger and integrated e-mental health policies, stakeholder involvement (SMEs, patients, etc.) and the need to close the large gap between evidence and practice.

Kevin Cullen from Mental Health Reform (MHR) in Dublin presented the e-mental health developments in Ireland. He talked about the importance of including e-mental health in the policy cycle, the need for a 'top-down' and 'bottom-up' approach and the fact that professionals and other stakeholders have shown more and more understanding with regard to the use of e-mental health and its value for the mental health care sector.  

Prof. Gaebel (LVR-IVF) presented a summary of the (draft) policy recommendation for e-mental health implementation which has been developed in the eMEN project under his leadership. E-mental health policy should become an integral part of the European and national mental health care strategies. Faster and more effective implementation can be realised by setting standards with regard to for example skills development, reimbursement and product quality. 

You will find the programme of the symposium via this link

This year over 4000 professionals (from all over the world) in the field of mental health participated in the yearly congress of the European Psychiatry Association (EPA). It is the second time that eMEN is presented at this event (last year in Nice). Through the eMEN project the topic of e-mental health implementation has become more visible within the EPA community.    

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